Message to the Team

Dear Team,

Another year and another summer of cricket beckons!

It had been a topsy turvy few years for the team playing in the top grade. Whilst we managed to make it to knock-out games a few times we couldn’t get past it. We can and we should definitely learn from the past but cannot afford to dwell on it. The key here is to not live or be limited by our past few years performances but to look forward with possibilities and create a new future.

It doesn’t matter what happened in the past. Let us not allow the past to bring us down or restrict us with expectations and pressure. Instead let’s learn from it and march on. Let’s not be bitter instead let’s get better. Whatever happened had happened so all we can control now is what we can do better this year. How can we rectify the mistakes made in the past, how can we play better than last year and how can we support each other better this year?. This is what we should be asking ourselves.

I want to stress on one very important aspect this year, that is ‘Let’s do it together!’. This is the message I want all of us to live and breathe this year. The team bonding is something amiss in the past few years so let’s bring back our SUPERSONICS values again.












This is who we are and this is what we do. Let’s support each other, cherish each other’s success, lend a hand when needed and most of all play like a team who will showcase these Supersonics values. No individual is better than the team and the sport. A team’s win is more important than any individual’s performance and that’s how we played all these years. Let’s regain the spirit of playing and succeeding together like brothers in arms do. 

Remember, ‘Talent wins games but Teamwork wins Championships!’

Let’s look forward. It’s time to get up and get going together. Take out the negativity instead bring on optimism, belief and hope. Spread positivity, trust your skills, have the desire to improve and most importantly enjoy your game. Never mind the results, give your best as an individual and as a team and the rest will follow its course. 

Let’s make this year a special one for all of us!

As always, play hard but play fair! Go Supersonics!